Manifest Men: Young gym pup Spencer big muscle man!

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Excerpt from Manifest Men: Spencer is a sexy “boy next door” that discovered the gym at a young age. He started building his body very early and already has a solid frame of muscle that can only get bigger in years to come. His beef looks freshly grown, corn fed, and pumped to perfection.

He’s the type you’d most likely see dancing on a box at nightclub collecting dollar bills in his jockstrap. For this photo session, he pays homage to either Madonna or Marky Mark wearing a rosary around his neck.

If you are looking to get into a little trouble on a night of pure abandon, he’s your guy. Get the full story on Spencer at Manifest Men!

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One comment

  1. Hey Martin, I know that your words have not fallen on deaf ears over at Manifest Men, they are busy restyling and revamping their hot muscle site, I agree it is time to promote new blood in our cocks (love that phrase). Expect some fireworks for a new launch here is the old site which i think is pretty fine anyway.

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