Tag Deviant Otter

Lowhanger Bangers

I’m a sucker for a dude with a nice set of lowhanging balls!…… Deviant Otter says: I’m a sucker for a dude with a nice set of lowhanging balls. I met this kid a couple months ago when I stopped…

Raw Otter Romp

My balls had been aching to drain a load in this hot otter again!…… Deviant Otter says: My balls had been aching to drain a load in this hot otter again since the first time we fucked in Key West…

Ray Diaz and Devin Totter

The most aggressive power bottoms I’ve ever met!….. Deviant Otter says: Ray Diaz’s smile could light up the sky, but don’t let it fool you because he is one of the most aggressive power bottoms that Devin Totter ever met…